How remote work improved my life

In 2020, when the pandemic hit, many of us felt doomed. However, it also birthed a fantastic work boom known as Remote Work. Prior to this time, very few companies worked under this modality, but due to quarantine most companies, including Elaniin, adopted this new way of working and haven't looked back since. As of now, Elaniin is a 100% remote work company.

This has allowed the company to expand across America and hire Boosters from diverse backgrounds. This fosters a more inclusive and open-minded culture, which is valuable for a tech company. Studies have shown that companies with inclusive cultures are six times more likely to be innovative and agile.

Working remotely is not only beneficial for the work-life balance of employees but it has also been discovered that it can increase productivity levels. Companies that have adopted this modality have realized that productivity is no longer measured by the amount of time workers spend sitting behind a desk, but that it can actually increase if employees are given the trust and freedom to work from wherever they wish. According to a report by Owl Labs, remote workers are more productive, happier, and less likely to leave their job compared to their office-based counterparts.

My personal experience

It's not just about the data – it's about the personal experience. I can tell by fact, that working remotely has transformed my life in so many positive ways. Being able to work remotely has given me the opportunity to spend quality time with my family in Canada and fulfill my lifelong dream of traveling.

My family is everything to me, and they happen to live in Canada. Thanks to the flexibility provided by remote work, I was able to visit them for an extended period of time without any hassles. I got to work remotely from there, which was a game-changer. And because of the time difference between my home country and Canada, Elaniin allowed me to adjust my schedule to have the best of both worlds – working hard and enjoying my time with my family.

Share daily life with my family

For some, working remotely is just a normal part of life. However, for me, it has been a game-changer, as I am able to spend more time with my family. While they have established work schedules and daily routines, working remotely allows me to be present with them while still being able to focus on work.

Coordinating schedules with loved ones can be challenging, but with remote work, it's become much easier. I'm able to work while enjoying their company, whether it's sharing meals or just spending time together. It's been a great improvement in my life and has allowed me to achieve a better work-life balance.

Greater autonomy

One of the best things about working remotely is the autonomy it provides. I have the freedom to organize my time and work environment in a way that works best for me, which has greatly enhanced my productivity and creativity. And when I'm working from Canada, I get to do all this while experiencing some of the most breathtaking places this country offers.

Whether I'm visiting Niagara Falls or Sentier des cimes Laurentides, being able to work remotely has allowed me to immerse myself in this beautiful country.

Improve Language Skills

Besides the ability to work from anywhere, I have had the opportunity to improve my language skills. Since Canada is a bilingual country, I've been able to not only enhance my English proficiency but also learn French, a language I never thought I'd have the chance to learn.

Being immersed in a new language and culture has been an incredible experience. I've learned new idioms and phrases in English, gaining fluency and confidence to express myself in ways I never could before.

Experience a different culture

I have had the opportunity to connect with people from all around the world since I started working remotely. This has allowed me to learn about different cultures and customs, as I have interacted with Canadians and people from other continents outside of America.

Through these interactions, I have discovered new traditions, tasted new foods, and explored new ways of thinking. All of this has broadened my horizons and enriched my personal and professional experience in ways that I never thought possible. And it's not just about the cultural exchange, interacting with people from diverse backgrounds has helped me develop my intercultural skills, which will undoubtedly serve me well in both my personal and professional life.

The flexibility that comes with remote work has been transformative for me and so many other collaborators out there. It's given us the freedom to strike a balance between our work and personal life, manage our workload in a way that works best for us, and gain invaluable experiences that we wouldn't have had otherwise. Whether it's the opportunity to travel, spend more time with family and friends, or pursue hobbies and interests that we're passionate about, remote work has made it all possible.

By giving us the trust and freedom to work from wherever we choose, companies are not only keeping their employees happy and engaged, but they're also positioning themselves as an attractive option for top talent, it's a win-win situation for everyone involved. If you find yourself motivated to embrace the freedom and flexibility of remote work, take a look at our careers page and discover the exciting job opportunities that await! Don't miss out on the chance to work with a community that values diversity and workplace culture.