Truth be told the home office method has its downsides like everything in life but compared to the many benefits of working remotely. We were faced to accept it overnight in 2020 because of the social distancing protocols and it felt somehow suffocating not being able to commute to work, but actually, it has been one of the very few benefits it left in the world. Luckily for us, we had been trying remote work from even before the pandemic, by implementing a hybrid method, staying at home just one day a week first and then increasing the number of days since we saw that our goals were achieved just like when working at the office.
Now that the entire world has learned how to live working from home, the idea of returning to work from the office seems totally impractical, of course, there are many industries that need to have a presential methodology still, but to the rest of them since the goals were achieved perfectly, is there really a necessity to come back to an office?
Let us be clear, for our particular case, the answer is no. We are lucky to have so many great individuals on our team that are able to comply with their job perfectly from anywhere they are, they deliver deadlines and achieve goals, so they should not be forced to return to an office.
The benefits of working from home for a lot of workers around the world go from saving a lot of money to a better life/work balance. According to the Harvard Business Review magazine, just in the US alone, around 80% of the workforce would rather have at least a hybrid method of working, if commuting is necessary they rather be just a few days a week. The same study reveals that in the case the return to the office is mandatory 36.4% of workers would agree but would immediately search for a new company.
As a tech company, we have literal technology behind us that allows us to work remotely just fine, but in the cases of companies that have a real need to commute the best thing they can do is to compromise with their employees. But how can you do it?
As Elaniin we have 3 pillars we rely on to make the home office work properly.
First, we are offering our Boosters a choice. Our office is available for them to come and work if they need to, but it is their choice! Whether it is boredom or a blackout or a temporary loss of internet connection, they have the option of going to the office if the situation requires it.
Second, we have made it very clear that their presence will be required only if absolutely necessary. For example, a meeting that cannot be postponed requires a session of brainstorming from the whole team or important events, no more.
And third, our Work from Anywhere benefit is in full swing! We have a lot of Boosters with traveler spirit and it's just such a shame to tame that down. And for us, the happiness of our teams is paramount, since we've discovered that with that sense of freedom they do their job with better spirits and with love for the company they're working for.
An amazing thing about the way we are working now is that even our clients are 100% satisfied and happy with the work of our teams and they are fully aware that they're working from home. This is just proof that with the right methodology and communication remote work complies with both employees and clients.
Also, we have international talents on our teams that already work remotely and we believe in the fairness of conditions for our employees, so right now we don't see a future where our talents have to be forced to return to the office!